Friday, July 16, 2010

Little Dibo

I've not written to my little one for quite a while now.

Dear baby

You are so strong and heavy now (9kgs).
You're getting cheeky and michievious sometimes.
This morning you figured out that if Bibik takes you in the morning, it meant leaving Mommy and Daddy off to work. To you, it's unfair for us to go for 'outings' without you.

Your giggles and laugh are infectious.
Often no matter how grumpy we were from long late nights of work, just that little giggle from you turned our moods and faces to smiles and later, laughs too. Do you know you make a lot of people around you smile and brightens their days? You're a special one. Very special.

You get annoyed and angry sometimes too.
And we get frustrated just as well as you do. It's okay little one. You don't need to know how to close your bottle cap yet. Or eat rice with your chubby little hands. Or put on your pyjamas. Or catch your sister Koda. Or be included in games with other kids in the playground. You don't have to know them yet. Mommy and Daddy's happy doing all those for you, for now. Take your time, little one.

However you turn out to be, Mommy and Daddy loves you to bits.
Never forget that.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Updates and Trip!

It's been a while.

I had my awesome-ness campaign running and it's finally over!!!!!

Omg running the campaign took a huge chunk of me from my hubby n lil baby. All the stress, anxiety, worry, protocols, media, big namely people involvements are seriously not funny. Especially when your name (and the only name) they look at - I'm not even confirmed! How do you put someone whom is not a confirm employee in charge of something big like this!? Are you insane?? What if I screw the whole thing up? And not up to your expectations? Agggghhh!!! *faints*

Okay.. it's over now. Phewwwwwww..
Now back to slightly normal (i've still to conduct talks and workshops lined up, not to mention my schedules are filled with appointments til next week!) life. I've been working on weekends for 5 weeks in a row now. And this weekend will be the last. I cannot afford another. This weekend will be crazy since I've to be at the office by 2am!! Yes, people. AM. Bloody event!

Here are some pictures from our family trip to Langkawi. No, it's not our first trip. Our first was to Canberra. It was short, sweet and nice. We were also there for baby's passport.
Langkawi was to introduce lil baby to the beach. We went to Glenelg beach but she was too small (2 mo) to experience it. Now I have a feeling she'll love beaches. Just like her Daddy. Let's start signing you up for swimming lessons!
I'll be packing up for trip again real soon.
Hope I get to update again!