Friday, December 07, 2007

Merry Xmas

Just as I blogged about not knowing where to stay in GC last entry, little did I know on the other side, darling fiance was making arrangements and booking accomodation for us =) Great minds think alike, eh? heee..

I am in a dilemma.


We've not enough time to go to all three, we can only choose 2.
So. After some researching and asking people around, we've made our decision especially after dear Renae called from work (then got interrupted by her boss!). I hope she's fine now. hehe. That girl is so crazy! Marissa's leaving for London next year for work and they're meeting up for holidays in Vietnam, Thai and Msia somewhere late May/June 08. So guess what's gonna happen? =)=)=) Can't wait!!

Now we've bought tickets and such, all I've to do today is shop for mama. Sigh. Quilt goodies, foot lotion and scrub, choc drinks and sunscreen. Yesterday we planned to go Harbour town but instead head off to West Lakes shopping centre. got Suc's pressies and more GC items.

Whoever invented credit cards, are a lifesaver to me right now.

*not sure when will be the next time I blog. If I don't, then have a Merry, Merry Christmas everyone!!

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