Friday, November 30, 2007

right kind of wrong

Sometimes it has to be wrong to be right.
dearie, i know you're happy with Donny.
he is "the one", indeed.
i trust when you say what you say.
i hope you get what i mean.
i wish i am there with you now.
i hope you choose the right path.
i wish you both well.
heck, i wish you didn't have to go through all this.
yes, this is the reason i left too.
and also many more.
i hope you'd find your own self-development.
i hope this makes you grow and be stronger.
i know soon you will get through this.
it sickens to see you so depressed and sad.
i hope i cushioned your broken little heart.
like you did when mine fell apart.
ans i'll be here for you, when your world twirls around.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We're not gonna take it

why do they talk when we don't bother with their lives?
like they say, "kita buat hal sendiri pun, dia nak kata"
haiya.. kita tak cara pun pasal org lain..
maybe that's why.
coz we didn't bother.


the veronicas?
hell, i like this version better.
turn up your volume and blast it!


She said today.
I have found someone to be and live with.

and I want to mark the day.
After so long waiting.. =)

Monday, November 26, 2007


Unlike on Friday (where everything's been planned for weeks beforehand), today was more of a spontaneous activity. While waiting for the event to start, we browsed through the Sunday Market at the Festival Centre foyer. Instead of having the event in the park, they changed the venue to the John Bishop buiding so lucky for me (forgot to put sunscreen on). The first song they played (Elliot Fisk) was a song my beloved fiance had been playing for months to end. Good for him, he got this chance to see and hear the real people play. The event ended at 5 so we went to the outdoor cafe nearby to grab some food. It was so hot so we just sat under the shade after our meal while the band was playing some music for that night's show. Then we went to the lake near the park and watch these swans and ducks flocking around, flapping their wings. They came so near to us so trusting that we won't hurt or catch them. Good birds. And beautiful too.

Oh and here are some pictures from the bar and from "Echoes of Spain".

The Crowd

Actually I managed to capture a 10 seconds play from this but can't seem to be able to get it uploaded here (not that I try enough, yes, I've been so lazy).
*Mama called. We're changing the month now.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Marking the Day

Today marks the day Kevin Rudd won the election.

And also confirms our date.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Updates updates

Soon after the heat-gush week, when the weather just started to cool down, a dear friend who lived rather near to us, had a shock of her life. Her house caught fire. They said it was caused by a short-circuit from the back room. Luckily she was sleeping over at The Village the night it happened, only to find out close to noon that day the state of the house and her belongings.
He took half day off from work and Mai picked him up to help that day. I made some warm food for her and invited her for dinner. All in all, she gets support and help from various parties and communities. By the time we arrived, she seemed calmer and taking charge of her belongings. Hamdi, Mai, him and I went to the market to get things prepared for dinner. It was such a short notice so the simplest and easiest meal I could think of was roast chickens and pilaf. Oh and from the cosy baking day the day before, I made Red Velvet cake which turned out to be rather uncake-like. I honestly had wanted to throw the cake away, fortunately we took it to Aida's and they all gobbled them up. Hamdi offered to try his hands on it. Since the recipe's still fresh in mind, we managed to get all ingredients at the market and headed home to start dinner. Around 9pm, Adil, Haz, Ariff, Diba, Aida, and the 4 of us settle down to eat. That was also when I suppose it all dawned to her. She brokedown. To Aida dearie, I cannot say I understand how you feel. No one can ever do when no fire victim incident is the same. I wish you well and many many happiness in the future. She's left on holidays today. Now in the hands of her beloved family. Oh yea, we crowd ourselves in front of the telly that night to watch the news. She came on the morning and afternoon news but not the evening.

Thursday we were house-hunting again. Actually, I don't quite remember what else we did that day. But he was at home and it was a cool day. I made mini baguettes while Lufee hung around for a chitty chat talk. I told her about the next day's event.

Come Friday he went to uni briefly while I prepare some sandwiches with my baguettes to bring to the event. And that's where we were. They were trying to break the Guiness World Record of playing "Smoke under water" all at the same time with 2000 people. So we went there, registered, and my oh my were there a lot of people. From all ages. If you try look closely to this picture (pardon my effort of taking pictures), you'd perhaps see a faintest image of a small boy perhaps less than 5 or 6 years old holding his father's hand on one while carrying his guitar on the other. There were also a whole family playing next to us from the grandfather down to the youngest girl playing songs from their guitars. I didn't manage to capture these 2 young men in their suits and ties (perhaps came down from work) to the park with their guitars. Schoolies came down straight from schools. Not to mention the old folks. Grey hair, beat-up jeans.. I just love the way they look.

*i heard you were the star of the day*

That day didn't just end up there. We went for the opening performance "Echoes of Spain" performed by famous guitarists like Juan Martin and Elliot Fisk. It's a black-tie event so from our 'beat-up' jeans, we had to rush back home and change before heading back for the performance. Yup, from beat-up jeans to dress gowns and suits. Hurried our dinner and grabbed a cab. At the performacen, luckily enough we sat next to Peter, the president of classicals in Melbourne. He flew all the way down to be there and after the show, we turned around and he gave us free tickets to the Wah-Bar. I was given the opportunity to witness Jeff Lang play the "slide guitar". What a day/night. As I said to Lufee, 78 bucks is not too much for a guitar-freak =) Oh yes, and we managed to turn her green with jealousy. Poor girl had to work that night. Next year Luf, we'll book early ok!
I've more pictures of the event which (cross fingers) I'd upload them at my fotopages. When I've the time. Today we went for house inspections and the market. Then too tired and overwhelmed to do anything else, we stayed home watching movies. I've yet to decide Mai's b'day cake. Hmm..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I feel like I've not seen my dear housemates for ages! (4 days to be exact)
Rachel would've called a search agent for us if she had not seen us today.. hehe
So this morning I woke up early and make breakfast.
It so happen to be Lufee's day-off today and I don't think Rachel feels like going to uni today. Her mind is not here anymore. So we had breakfast and after he left for work, we all sat in the living room chatting away, while I look for some recipes to make with my plums. It's a rainy day today. What perfect way to stay-in cosily with friends and bake goodies. Yum!

10 months

Yep, 10 months.
And this time, it was him wishing me first.
Our plan for this month? I've no plans actually.
I'll wait for him to come up with something this time =)

*happy 10-months anniversary, b*

Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend update

Thursday night we went Broadview, then to Tea Tree Plaza for some late night shopping and when we got home, YJ (or at least that's how i think they spell his name) got a contract with a company he's been dying to get into. Of course, it calls for a celebration! With Lufee, Rachel and few friends at home, it was a full house that night. Congratulations!

Then on Friday he got off work so we could go for house inspections. There were perhaps around 4 places to go but we ended up going to only 1 and while waiting for the next one, we headed to the beach. So HOT! We were craving for a burger. I have in mind a greasy, fat loaded burger from any fast food joint. While he was looking for a ridiculous sized burger that could feed a whale! It was very good though. With a blue drink on a hot, hot day. Oh my that day was hot. And what better way to spend a hot day with an ice cream in hand, lying on the park under the shade, watching people go by. Splendid.

Saturday after exams, we went for a bit of a spree before heading home. Had lunch while waiting for the weather to cool down a little. In my room, it's absolutely difficult to sleep-in. The room just brightens up any time the sun appears. The sun now comes up at 6 and sets down around 8 so waking up at 6.30 that morning was not so hard. We got invitations to hit the clubs with some friends since they're going back to their home country for the holidays, so there we were. Since it's Saturday night, it's close to impossible to get into clubs without a queue. Judging from the time we all left the house (close to 11), doesn't help either. However, that doesn't stop us from returning home nearing 4am hehe..

On Sunday, despite the late night-in and slight sore throat, the sunlight pestered us to get up early. So we went to the airport then hit the beach. Got ourselves bottles of sunblock and sun protections, nothing could've stopped us from getting wet! Stamping our feet on the soft, warm sands. Stuffed our faces with double scooped Anderson's ice cream while waiting for my skirt and his pants to dry. Then of course the best part of all, sunset. That magical hour.

Today we were at the beach again. It's 37 degrees, where else do people go? Grabbed our beach gears and went straight to the waters. This time, with proper swim gears hehe.. Took a nap under the sun while he collected seashells for his photography website. Got home, baked bread for his lunch tomorrow then hit the sack.

*my hot days - though i sometimes wish winter is back*

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Christmas Parade

2 years ago at this time of the year, I was studying hysterically to get by that nerve-wrecking lab experiments and final year exams. Last year I was away in Swiss (or was it Luxembourg), also confused with all the 'merisik' hassle. This year I've no excuse (not that I have to have one) not to go to the Christmas Parade in CBD.

So there we were last weekend. Starts at 9.45 to 11am. I've never seen so many people in CBD before. The day was nice and hot. Perfect for a parade.

I've just realized there are so many pictures in my folders that are not in my fotopages and haven't been uploaded. Maybe next time. I've not taken pictures of many dishes either. Here we were at his favourite hangout. To Nikmad, careful, he's already making calculations in his head to get an electeric guitar. That's where I bought a hat for our holiday trip. This is a salad dish that I'm not too sure why and what I made them with. Also Piccata with capers and lemon, traditionally made with veal but chicken breasts are fine. Yesterday I made cheese buns and shortbread cookies. Guess I'm back to baking again =)

I've to pick up my pants!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


I am not a horoscopic/star sign reader. Rather, I very much prefer personality tests. I find them to be more accurate than this and it gives me a chance to give input and credit to myself rather than having to rely on astronomical positions to spit out my characters/luck for me.

Nevertheless, as personality tests are too confronting to some - and also through the massive amounts of junk mails sent by Kde - I stumbled across this small list that describes him a lot. We both are September babies and although we don't share the same star sign, there are many things we disagree about but mostly we do.

* Suave and compromising
* Careful, cautious and organized
* Quiet but able to talk well
* Calm and cool
* Kind and sympathetic
* Concerned and detailed
* Trustworthy, loyal and honest
* Does work well
* Sensitive
* Thinker
* Good memory
* Clever and knowledgeable
* Loves to look for information
* Able to motivate oneself
* Understanding
* Secretive
* Loves sports, leisure and traveling
* Hardly shows emotions
* Tends to bottle up feelings

As for me, I can only leave it to others to judge.
I am who I am. And I am also who I think you think I am.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hot Hot Hot

It's starting to warm up here. We took a stroll yesterday after he returned from work to the streets and parks behind the house. It was a lovely day yesterday also to find people walking or jogging around. Unlike strolling around the old place, there are not many Asians, kids, or Aboriginals in this area. Everyone's either dressed in a suit or working clothes. The closest family-joint we came across with are at Bocelli's where babies and kids running around. I can't wait to review the restaurants. Oh and I'd have to dry clean some of our clothes (we found 2 dry clean shops behind the house) and also to alter my pants before our holiday trip.

He left for work early this morning for a presentation but a bit later than usual now that he can walk to uni (and believe me, he hasn't stopped humming since the day we moved in). Few nights ago our neighbour had a party next door. Sharm called up for a drink but we weren't able to make it.

Mama has been making calls asking to buy her quilt materials and I can tell Papa can't wait for us to return home. There are so much arrangements and decisions to make.

I made Ainsley's muffins the other night to finish up our pineapple jam. And yes, I'm still cramping *ouch!*

White Lie

"Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cuz we're faced
with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes, things simply catch
up to us..."
"..Truth is still absolute, believe that. Even when that truth is hard and
cold and more painful than you ever imagined. And even when truth
is more cruel than any lie."
-taken from bugbitesandco (hope you don't mind! =)

She asked "kitorang ni teruk sgt ke?"
And I answered "to me, you guys are not bad at all"

I lied.

She was hurt and sad.
I couldn't even mutter the truth.

It could be better, I said to him in the morning when I knocked on his door.

But it didn't work out.
One day, you'll grow out of it all.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Ok now that everything's settled, I've finally found time to update my blog and fuss about everything else. The feeling of unpacking our kitchen wares into our own cabinets are untold for. Couldn't help myself from telling him how good it feels. To see my beloved pots and pans, grill pan, baking wares, plates and bowls, cutleries.. sigh. I must say, it was surprising to see him making fun, humming and giggling through the whole process of moving out despite the muscle-aches and one day off work. Didn't think he'd be that happy. Only to find out he feels like being watched over living there. Honestly, I didn't feel that way til the other day when they came knocking on our door looking for him. She said she knew he'd be home coz she saw Adil and Haz went out. The odds? Highly. Only then I found out they keep track of who comes in, who goes out, who brings who in, where the cameras were, what time we get home, when do we go out etc etc. It is almost like living in a hostel, only without curfew. And they don't let you know, that they know. However, I must say, security's way good. Almost to excellent. If you're homesick, and want a lot of familiar malay faces, or love hanging around a bunch of students, that's the place to be. I suppose for a guy whom is wise enough to take care of himself, of course, he demands privacy and pure freedom so it can be a little tense to feel watched over every day.

As for me, of course I love it here. Big comfy bed, huge built-in robes, big windows and a balcony for fresh air, own laundry n dryer, large marble top for my bakings and kneadings, two huge sinks, good people, what else could I ask for. The first thing we did the first night was to order Dominos online and hear them ringing our door bell. Order-in food. Heaven =) Being able to buy anything I want comfortably and wear whatever I want without a care. In this home, we live with working people so day times are always quiet and empty which could be rather lonely at times but only if you hate being alone, that is. We only see each other at dinner time and on weekends. Night-ins are as early as 11pm and of course, we get to bring home whatever/whoever we want, that's the best part. Most importantly, it is understood perfectly that we have our own lives and they have theirs. So long no one's breathing down ours or theirs necks asking where we/they went or wanting us/them joining all our/their events, we're fine. Then again, they're too busy to give a damn about other people's affair so that's just perfect for us.

So our hang-out joint has changed to the street behind us and also the streets in front of us. More restaurants to review on and new grocery shopping joint. But of course, no place beats central market for their cheap and fresh goodies. I came across dear Lufee's cookbooks and that'll keep me busy for the next month. Rachel's father is a cook and I'm sure to get points from her soon too. He and Rachel have a lot in common in terms of their workload as both are phd research students. Now I understand b, how busy and in need of your own space at times.

The landlord and plumber came in this morning to repair our alarm system and shower cap. Oh, I've placed my parsley out in my balcony. It finally gets lots of warm sun and I forgot to water it today. Oh dear..

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I should go see a gynae.
It's tumbling inside.


So we've set up the dates and pack up some things that won't be using for the next very few days. I'm still wondering where we'll chuck his guitar and TV but we'll worry abt that later in the week. Had a good chat with darling suc last night, pestering me to get her 2 wedding presents (tak malu nyaa hehe), and making arrangements to my family's stay there. Also about what I'm to wear to all of her events. That girl makes me nervous sometimes.

With dear Aunty Bedah's help, I managed to whip up the long-craved-for murtabak. Of course, nothing beats the mamak's oily version but this one is enough to keep it off our minds temporarily.

Off to making passionfruit ice cream! =) *yum*