Thursday, April 21, 2011

Party at School

I have packed 20 party packs last night. Some KitKats, jellies, lollies, raisins, vitagen etc etc. In honor of Easter, I've put 3 choc-jellybeans eggs in a little plastic cup and tied a ribbon on top to include in the party packs. I've decided not to include toys in the pack since with our experience, they always lasts for 2 days and ends up as rubbish. Her Pocoyo cupcakes are coming at 11am and the party starts at 4pm. So end of story for the school party. I wish I could join the party but I'm already on leave tomorrow. It's okay, let her celebrate with her friends  and teachers today and we'll make it up to her on Saturday :)

Mia turns t.w.o

This also meant it has been 2 years of parenting, of joy and laughter, tears and achievements. It was just 2 years ago when I felt so insecure, unsure, doubtful yet filled with immense anticipation and happiness. I was carrying another human being inside me. Yes, to me at the time lil Mia was just another human being. A little baby kicking around my round belly. Never once when I was pregnant that I address myself loudly as "Mommy" to her. When I talked to my belly, it had always been "It's okay, I'm here" or "I love you". I had always looked at her as another person with her own personality, wants and desires.

Then she came all bundled and small. Squinted eyed and messy matted hair. One time I had time alone for myself and darling hubby in our room. She was about to cry for milk. Looking restless and wrinkled face. She started with a sound and I said, "It's okay, Mommy's here" and picked her up. I remember feeling a wave of emotions. My eyes were stinging from holding back tears. It had sounded so strong. I am a mother now. And I promise to protect you how ever I can. Period.

Dear lil Mia

You are our first born. We are young parents whom doesn't really know a lot about parenting and raising a child. All we know is that we have been dreaming about you since before we even got married. We had been talking about you for years and years. In fact we have been talking about you even before Mommy and Daddy both met! Those school years when we talk about what to name our kids and how many kids we want. One day you'll have the same conversation, and remember that that was the time and age I had talked about you.

It was you who made us smile. Just by looking at you. You made us smile. And cried tears of joy. Just by looking at you, our chest inflated with pride. We love you so much our heart feels like it's about to burst. And then you smiled your first smile. I thought I'd just seen the world much clearer and in bright colors. It was overwhelming. Your first giggles, first food, first steps, first teeth, first birthday, first day of prep school. And now you're 2. My beautiful girl is 2.

You will always be my first.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mia's two year old party prep!

Mia's party is in a week's time!
There's still so much to do despite such early prep, reservations and thoughts put into it. Here's my checklist.

1. Venue booking
Both venues are booked and informed. Mia's having 2 parties this year. One at her school and the other with families and friends. So I have informed her school and booked the club's pool for her party.

2. Cake
She'll have cuppies with her friends at school which I've ordered 40 (more than enough just in case some wants seconds). For her pool party I've decided to bake a cake. Well, few cakes actually. One for the birthday girl and few others for guests and as 'thank you' gifts. So wish me luck on that one!

3. Theme
Since she's loving Pocoyo, I've decided way earlier this year that that'll be her bday theme. Pocoyo cuppies for her school party and a pool/under the sea theme for the other.

4. Invitations
Sent and informed.

5. Party packs
Thought of but not confirmed. Agh!! I've 2 types of party packs one for the school and one for the pool party.

6. Deco
For her school I'll get some balloons and streamers. Of course a banner for both parties. For the pool she'll have some balloons and balloon bouquets etc etc. Some blue table cloths and cups and plates.

7. Menu
Oh dear this is the toughest! So far I've changed my mind only a couple trillion times. The club will be providing food as well so I'm careful not to overdo it. So far I've ordered some satays, samosas and sandwiches. All are finger foods because we're holding it late in the afternoon.

Sigh.. so much to think about, so little time.
On top of all this I've work piling up, reports to make tests to run and talks to be presented. Not to mention the amount of weddings and engagements! My weekends were filled from the camp all the way to mid May! There's one engagement, one wedding, one bday party, one Spore trip, etc etc. I've still unpacked few boxes at home!!

There's too little time spent enjoying our home :(

*so this is what it is like to be a mommy of a two year old. i suppose to me birthdays are a huge deal especially when it's my kids. it means the whole world. happy birthday my lil one. may you be blessed with beautiful memories, friendships, relationships and life*

Monday, April 04, 2011

Jar of Hearts

.and who do you think you are.
.running around leaving scars.
.collecting your jar of hearts.
.tearing love apart.

.you lost the love i loved the most.

Friday, April 01, 2011


This never fails to make me smile :)
Perfect way to bright up an sombre day.