We finally completed our Raya attires and shopping for this year. Yippee!
Now it's packing time and travelling time. There are so much to pack since we'll be hitting the roads (roadtrip this time round) and visiting 2 states within a week. Little Mia will be doing some very long journey by car and this will be her first time in terms of duration. Hence, there is a LOT to prepare and pack!
My mind is running in circles thinking of things we must take with us tomorrow.
1. Baby monitor
2. Mia's portacot
3. Tonnes change of clothes and raya attires
4. Get small change for 'duit raya's (ok this is actually a to do list)
5. Toys for entertainment in the car
6. Tab and all it's cables
7. Camera
8. Snacks and food for Mia
9. Mia's blanket, pillow and sleeping needs
10. My homemade Raya cookies :)
To name a few. I hope nothing gets left behind. Oh yes and I may have to send Koda and my kitchen plants to Bangi for their dear life during our time away.
Yay for Raya! :):)
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