Friday, November 21, 2008

A Tribute

*Imad in dark blue*
1990 - 2008
Last night Mama called with the news. It was shocking but expected kinda way. He's been battling heart problems ever since we knew him. A very intelligent engineering major young man, straight A student and more like a family to us. More than often he came for sleepovers and join family activities. First time I knew him we were at Nando's with my mom and brother having lunch. Shy boy but quickly overcame it. He came few days early to our wedding to help with preparations and was very diligent.
*Imad in white*
May 26th, 2008
He was playing football yesterday afternoon and was at his university campus. After the game, he went to his room and collapsed. They took him to the hospital and he passed away at around 8pm or 9pm (Msian time). The last time we met him was at the airport. He had came to see us off to GC for our honeymoon and back to Aust.

Yassin and Al-Fatihah to Imaduddin.
May he be placed among the best.

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