oh dear.. what had happened?
Our first year engagement anniv brought us to our new lovely home. (yes.. it has been a year =)
13th months anniv was at home with Uncle Bruhan and family. We had them over and celebrated with dinner + desert (nasi ayam yum). I must admit, that week and the week prior was hectic. It ended with the girls sleeping over for nearly a week with us! Glad it's all over now. We managed to get them around SA and drove around surrounding areas. With work grant due very soon at the time, my mind was all over the place. Once submitted, I must say, girls, it was fun having you both over. We'll meet up again for bbq soon, eh!
Hmm.. 2008 doesn't start too well for me, health-wise. Been sick twice in the span of 3 months. After the girls left, the flu bug landed on me and decided to cling onto me for almost 2 weeks now. Though I've to admit, I'd exacerbate it with crabbing til wee hours in the morning. Can't help it! We left the house after dinner and though it's summer (closing to autumn) that day (or week i should say) was so cold and windy. As a result, the flu got worse. The best thing happened that night was when we saw a huge tuna strolling underneath us! Yes, the water was THAT clear! The night was dark with only half moon shining and we were sitting around.. talking and yakking on the jetty.. then there it came underneath us.. calmly strolling like nothing's happening in its world. Sigh.. I wish I'm a tuna fish =)
Work's been fine. I've to do this workshop-plan for refugees here and conduct it within a week's time. I need to call up for a meeting soon for the other project. And make sure to get another project running in time (hopefully). Right now, I don't think I wanna think/talk abt work. Fishing and crabbing sounds much more fun!
We went fishing and crabbing shopping the other day. Bought couple fishing rods (are you kidding me? of course! after seeing that tuna!) and the accessories required. Nettings and it's lures. Chairs. That should keep us busy for a while. Apart from that, we were in Hahndorf with the girls, picking strawberries and there are some parts of Hahndorf city that has been demolished to build something else. We took a different route to get to the hills and it was SO beautiful to see everything below. It really felt as if we were spirallling up the hills. Then to few malls and harbour town. Also IKEA a couple times buying things for our home. To several beaches at various times of the day. Dine out, dine in. Shop.
Had few friends over for dinner last night. Thanks to my boo's fish head curry, the whole place smelled yummy til this morning. There was Morning Tea event at the office last Friday and I managed to snuck out few pies. Villi's makes the best pies in my opinion. I've discovered how to make the pastry yummy with a tinge of orange flavour. Haven't had those for a while so I chomped down a couple and brought home some for B. Oh yesterday was spring cleaning. We finally managed to get the whole house mopped, brushed and cleaned! Sylvia's fur was all over the place! After the girls left I was aching to re-arrange some things and organize few stuff.
I am feeling so lazy to update pix n such. Will do soon. I hope. March is here! That means, two more months before the big day. Oh gosh my tummy's squirming. And flip-flopping. How I wish to wake up tomorrow and know that it's all over. *wishful thinking, i know*
Did I tell you about the Festival of Arts opening night? The Northern Lights made the buildings look mesmerizing. Clipsal started when the girls were around. We could hear those car engines zooming around from our place. Fringe has also started. Womad and Cup day is coming soon. So is Easter! And Labour Day tomorrow, hence.. no work yay!
oh yes, as for V-day. He took me to the Royal Garden restaurant and dine =)
p/s: and dear ms bugbites, happy be-earlied birthday!! in case i didn't get the chance on the day, hope you have a blast and nope, i didn't forget =)
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