Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I have been at my parent's for 2 weeks stretch. It has also been utterly exhausting to commute back and forth from work and from lil Mia's daycare. So you can imagine my relief now that darling hubby's back from out-stationed and we're back to our normal regime.

Few things need to be sorted which also requires time and ka-ching! But I guess we can ask Santa instead!

So dear Santa,
I've been fairly good this year and here's my wishlist:

1) New pair of lenses
2) Few makeup items - the ones I had before got trapped together with the crashed car some time in Sept. I doubt I'd be able to get those back!
3) Pair of flats - last pair lost it's flower thingy in front
4) A kiddy table and chairs for lil Mia - she's into drawings and colorings now that she can spend a good 10mins with a paper and colored pencil at hand
5) God knows how much my darling hubby needs some casual t-shirts!
6) A brand new sofa set!

Hope that's not too much to ask for, Santa my man =)

Koda went missing yesterday. She went out in the morning and was not found til this morning when Bibik went searching for her again. She was found among the bushes and open land in front of our far end neighbour's house. Thank god!

Wishlist 2011
1. Having moved to Bangsar and much closer to workplace (so I can leave an hour later for work!!)
2. Exercise, exercise, exercise! At least a walk or take lil Mia to the park every weekend.
3. Drink more fluids (am getting better than before actually)
4. Cook more often than I'd like to
5. Find some other kind of side-income I can manage
6. Plan for another family holiday!
7. Maybe a playmate for Koda?
8. Go for hair perm!!!
9. Hopefully get to visit Adelaide with lil Mia tagging along =)


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