Friday, April 27, 2007


I bought bread improver few weeks ago and have yet to try it so after gathering up some confidence, I made Herb and Cheese filled buns. I was freaking out a while since the first time proving it, it didn't seem to rise but after the second time, it rose beautifully and baked nicely in the oven. I've only made half of the recipe just to see how it goes with the bread improver, have yet to try it. Waiting for him to return. So if this turns out fine, I'll try my hands on making buns this time.

It rains and pours today. Loving it.

Yesterday was a disaster for Mowkie. She had a needle stuck through her throat. Sighh.. according to mom, bibik was sewing on the floor and perhaps had left them there. While my darling cat went over and helped herself playing with a thread attached to its needle. So yesterday morning abg wants to give her food only to find her salivating so much. Immediately she was rushed to the docs. So she went under surgery because the doc has to cut the needle into half. She was released last night and was not happy at all.

Anyone wants a mischievious, spoilt rotten, highly maintenance, fluffly, fat, arrogant and absolutely adorable cat, you are welcome to notify me at any time.

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