Monday, May 28, 2007

She's just a bitter, lonely person..

so why bother?

Couldn't have said it better. Maybe you're right baby.. just maybe, you are.

Which makes her such a sad person then. And now she's "running away", not just that, she's also giving out many reasons to show and tell, covering up how sad her life has been these past few weeks by masking up telling the whole world how "happy" she is running away. While perhaps reasoning and rationalizing her reasons too much it's beginning to sound like a cop-out.

But I still do care to some extent and that's why I did my part.. now let's see how much she does.

Hence, I wish her well, and for her to someday open her heart, eyes and perhaps brains as well to not only be honest to herself with her words, but also with her actions.

honestly.. how much dense can you get? sigh.. and we wonder how such a beautiful girl not able to hold a relationship? it's not only about the looks, it's also about the attitude and THAT has to be acknowledged! geez..

Like someone once said, too nice it makes her look so fake.

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