Thursday, May 31, 2007


It wasn't easy to wake up this morning. Has been raining since forever. Twice I walked out of the door this week and find myself dripping water by the time I reach uni. I've been trying hard to discipline myself, go uni and get some work done. But this morning is even worse, I can't even get my eyes open. The only thing that made me jump is the sound of his phone vibrating. He forgot his phone! So I came online to see his email on my inbox telling me so.

I've to go out today, post some cds then work on my client report. Before so, I went upstairs and made 'apam balik', pack them up and off to uni.

Somewhere in between apam balik making and bundling up before leaving the house, a thought came up.

"Who said, student overseas tak pandai masak masakan traditional?"

Not to say apam balik is our traditional food (or is it?) Pardon my lack of knowledge there. When I heard/read that, it made me ponder on the perception of our people to students studying overseas. If it were to be one of the locals here whom goes to overseas universities, studying; they would have been so proud of their people and further encourage their own people. Would they have been so caught up in the thought of criticizing them on something like that?

Once not long ago I saw trees along the streets at some residential area being decorated by the people there. Curiously, I asked around and finally learned that the tree doesn't belong to anyone, but the people took the initiative to decorate them accordingly to their seasons. It doesn't matter to them who does it, or whose items are on it, or whose money goes on to decorating it. To them, those who cared that much of thought, would've been considered selfish, inconsiderate, rude and greedy. I've heard people say, orang melayu susah nak maju sebab banyak perasaan dengki dengan orang lain, tamak nak cepat kaya, tak boleh buat lebih sikit dari orang lain, etc etc.. And I didn't know how to believe it. I didn't even give much thought to it and I haven't seen it happen in front of my eyes.

So few days ago, I just realized, it does happen a lot around me. I just didn't pick them. And now I wonder if others realize them and/or choose to ignore them?

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