Yes, we are expecting =)
I am 23 weeks along, with a baby bump, gaining close to 10 kgs and been stuffing my face with food every few hours.
That would be approximately very close to midnight with a kebab and coffee in hand hehhe

Right before confirming my pregnancy with Dr. Frearson, my GP-before changing to Dr. Chandler, an ob. Look closely at the clock on the wall, our appointment was at 11am. Was very nervous. I had only taken a take-home pregnancy test kit 2 days before and it had 2 blue lines. Seeing how nervous I was, darling hubby took me out for breakfast before the appointment.

*this was taken right after the positive home-preggie test*
So I am now gaining and gaining and gaining weight. I'm already at a weight I've never been on before and curious to see what's my maximum by the end of it. I'm also crossing fingers I'd be able to shed off most of it.
Baby's been kicking about since 16 weeks. S/he loves to kick about and now I can actually see my belly moves to his/her beat. Few days ago s/he had the hiccups.
I've also created a baby blog. It's a blog for all our future kids and also for my own keepsake.
As the big ending very, very soon, I'd like to recap the year before arrives:
1. Moved into a lovely new house
2. Marry the man I fell in love with for 6 years
3. Be the wife of the same man
4. Went on a honeymoon
5. Conceived for the first time
6. Worked and left the company
7. Road trips and travelling just the two of us
8. The addition of Koda to our small family
9. Discovered how much similar Koda is preparing us to parenting!
10. Learning so much about babies and pregnancies than I'd ever learnt anything through school!
11. Saw a hearbeat that is not mine in me!!
12. Finding out nausea and hunger can appear at the same time
13. Thought I'd know everything I'm supposed to know about pregnancy only a hell lot more!!
14. Backpains! Backpains! Backpains!
15. Diagnosed with a blood condition
16. Learnt what reflux is all about!
17. Looked at my own uterus accepting my pregnancy
18. Looked at a foetus at 7 weeks old
19. Gained weight more than I've ever had in my life!
20. Constipation, constipation, constipation
21. Saw a heartbeat that is not mine in me!!
22. and discovered the possibility of being or walking alone but not feel alone =)
Though the new year hasn't even begun yet, I just know 2009 has big plans installed for us. Surprises and challenges awaits!
A be-earlied Happy 2009, everyone!